Hopeful Minds Services

Symptoms of “Low T” in Men and How to Treat Them

Jul 25, 2022
Low T, or low testosterone, may produce many unpleasant symptoms for men. As men begin to age and testosterone production naturally decreases, they may notice signs of Low T. Testosterone plays an important role in a man’s health. Men need testosterone for

Low T, or low testosterone, may produce many unpleasant symptoms for men. As men begin to age and testosterone production naturally decreases, they may notice signs of Low T. Testosterone plays an important role in a man’s health. Men need testosterone for healthy muscles, fat distribution, bone mass, and red blood cells. Many studies also indicate that men with Low T are more likely to suffer from chronic illnesses.

From weight regulation to disease prevention, testosterone is critical for a man’s wellbeing. Understanding the signs and symptoms of Low T is important.

At MetroBest Health in Columbia, MD, our experts have put together a list of the common symptoms of Low T in men.  If you are suffering from some or all of these symptoms you may be one of the millions of men with low testosterone levels.

The great news is that we offer highly effective, state-of-the-art Low T treatment using bioidentical hormone pellets. Hormone pellets require only a single treatment every six month, to help you restore your virility and quality of life!

1. Low T Symptom: Decrease in Muscle Mass

Testosterone is the male hormone that is responsible for building muscle mass. In older men who produce less testosterone, muscle begins to convert to fat.

Muscle cells have receptors called androgen receptors and testosterone binds to these receptors. This allows for muscle fibers to be built and maintained. As testosterone stops being produced, maintenance of these fibers stops. Even worse for men is an increase in estrogen in the absence of testosterone. Which results in an increase in fat in places such as the arms and belly.

For many men, the cycle of muscle wasting, low of energy and increase in fat is very tough. All these factors come together to further contribute to decrease in exercise and fat loss. Seeking treatment at our Columbia, MD office is a safe, easy, and convenient way to avoid this cycle!

2. Low T Symptom: Decrease in Sex Drive

When testosterone levels drop below normal ranges, virtually all men will experience a decrease in sex drive. For most men, this decline in sex drive is identified as a problem.

While there are other factors affecting a man’s low libido, studies have found that low testosterone is a common cause of a decreased sex drive in men.

Sexual desire is an important part of a man’s life. It can have an impact on his self esteem and his relationships. Our hormone experts are MetroBest Clinic in Columbia, MD can administer treatment for low t and restore a man back to his normal self.

3. Low T Symptom: Fatigue and Decrease Energy

Fatigue and decreased energy levels are one of the most common complaints of men who suffer from Low T. Testosterone is responsible for regulation of a man’s vitality and health. Testosterone assists with physical performance, endurance and metabolism. As a man ages, and testosterone levels decreased, the body no longer runs efficiently, and chronic fatigue settles in.

If Low T is a reason that you are experience issues with loss of energy and fatigue, testosterone replacement therapy may be beneficial.

4. Low T Symptom: Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction can be a difficult issue for men to discuss. While Low T is not the only cause of erectile dysfunction, there is a link between erectile dysfunction and testosterone levels.

Testosterone is a hormone that is vital for a man’s sexual desire and performance. Testosterone replacement therapy has helped man men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction as a result of Low T. At our Columbia, MD clinic, a simple blood test can help to determine if Low T is a factor in erectile issues.

5. Low T Symptom: Depression

Low T is responsible for many physical symptoms. But it is also a cause of emotional issues as well. In men suffering from Low T, it is not uncommon to develop issues such as depression and anxiety. Mood changes may develop over time as testosterone decreases. In combination with unwanted physical changes, the emotional changes brought on by Low T can make men feel lost. Treatment with testosterone replacement therapy may be the answer to restoring a man’s mental health.

Low T Treatment | Columbia, MD

While the symptoms of Low T are discouraging, highly effective treatment is possible!  It starts with a simple blood test at MetroBest Health in Columbia, MD to determine your testosterone levels. Our experts will evaluate the results, along with symptoms, to prepare a customized treatment plan.

If you live in the Columbia, MD area and are suffering from some of the symptoms of “Low T” contact us today to set up a consultation and restore your physical, sexual and mental well-being today!